Phone: 425-626-1234
Treatment Details
NWEC can walk this path with you
The Objectives
Our curriculum is a group process designed to facilitate halting the cycle of abuse, by achieving five objectives.
Assist participants in understanding that violence is not merely physical. Domestic violence (DV) can be many types of behaviors that attempt to control the thoughts, feelings, and actions of another individual.
Increase participants understanding of the underlying causes of their DV actions, and support their willingness to change by examining the negative effects of their behaviors on intimate partners, children, and friends.
Examine the cultural and social contexts in which violence is used in relationships against a partner, and eliminate the possibility of resorting to violence against a current or future partner again.
Encourage participants to become accountable to those they have hurt through the use of violence, by helping them acknowledge, accept, and take responsibility for its impact with specific steps to make more positive choices.
Provide participants with practical information about how to change old patterns of behavior, by exploring new and constructive ways of relating in intimate relationships.
The Sessions
The sessions are typically 90 minutes long (depending on the number of attendees) and the length of enrollment is dependent on what level the client is assessed to be; these levels are required by the WAC and the time of therapy is a minimum of 6 months and up to a minimum of 12 months.
Completion is not merely based on the time in treatment; it is dependent on the client’s ability to show empathy to the victim(s), refrain from re-offending during treatment, and convey accountability for their own actions.
These are open groups so individuals may begin at any time. The process to enroll includes a DV Assessment (if ordered by the court), an Intake/Assessment (this is done alone, not in the group) and then the decision by the supervisor as to what level the individual is in.
NWEC also offers a Parenting After DV course. This program covers similar material to the standard DVIT program with greater emphasis on how DV effects children as well as education on child-development. Other topics in the Parenting After DV program include communicating with an ex-spouse and co-parenting in a positive way.
We provide a space for growth while maintaining accountability.
Parenting After DV
The NWEC “Parenting after DV” program facilitates the cessation of DV in the home by helping participants understand how DV impacts children.
Northwest Evaluation Center (NWEC) provides an ongoing program for “Parenting after DV.” Group sessions are designed for parents with a balanced approach of psychoeducation and therapeutic processing, dealing with how Domestic Violence impacts children and impacts the dynamics of the entire family. Each session has a topic that is presented which initiates group discussion and learning.
Participants learn how children are affected by domestic violence in the home.
Participants will better understand how witnessing violence affects the brain development of children.
Participants learn how children who are exposed to Domestic Violence in the home are at risk for lifelong problems into adulthood.